‘peanut butter jelly’ sugar-free smoothie

This breakfast is so portable you can have some of it as you rush out the door, then a little more on the 7.56am commute, then at your desk when you trawl through your emails. For those of us who hanker for peanut butter and jam on toast first thing, but push the idea aside as simply silly in the name of eating nutritious and less carby things, this tote-able breakfast is the stupendously delicious answer to our prayers.

I’ve been running, a lot. I joined a running club and discovered (after personal trainers and even a miserable boot camp) what it means to work hard, physically. The trainer who leads it has taught my muscles a thing or two. On the first sessions, I’ll admit, I silently freaked out at the hardness of it. But damn I loved it too. And I’ll be back again next week.

But an early early morning workout like that demands a breakfast; a real breakfast that tells the muscles to stop freaking out, that fills you up until lunch and, importantly, that feels like breakfast. I’m all about green smoothies right now but they don’t evoke that kind of breakfasty goodness, that morning aroma that comes with coffee and toast and sun streaming in. So I made this. A protein shake, but with nutritious, virtuous things in it (including LSA, that ground linseed, sunflower seed and almond mix), and with a sorbet-like raspberry topping. It’s like toast with peanut butter and a little dollop of raspberry jam, in smoothie form. Here’s the recipe for my Peanut Butter and Jelly smoothie.

'peanut butter and jelly' sugar-free smoothie

2 tbsp protein powder

2 tbsp LSA 

1/2 cup baby spinach

1-2 tbsp peanut butter

1/2 banana

1/2 cup water

raspberry ‘jelly’

1/4 cup frozen raspberries

1/4 cup coconut water

Combine smoothie ingredients in a powerful blender and blend until very smooth, at least 1 minute. Add a little more water if liked, but it should be quite thick. Pour contents into a jar that has a lid.

Rinse out blender and add raspberries and coconut water and blend 1 minute until smooth, it will transform into a sorbet. Dollop over the top of peanut butter smoothie. Serve with a straw or top with a lid for best portability.